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Three reasons to get your child started on volunteering

· Volunteer,Foundation,Singapore
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There are many studies that show that volunteering is not only beneficial to the party that receives the services, but also to the party that gives them. Volunteering brings you new experiences and memories to look back on, provides you with ways to network with others and build friendships, and also lets you develop other crucial skills like leadership and teamwork. 

How soon should you volunteer?

By definition, volunteering is the act of providing services without expectation of repayment for the benefit of a cause or wider community. Most of us had our first encounters with various volunteer opportunities because of our educational requirements, but when we age, there are fewer of us who continue the habit of volunteering.

Many people say that we should encourage our young children to volunteer younger. Does volunteering at a younger age really make a difference in our habits? And how else does volunteering impact youths?

  • You’re more likely to develop a habit if you start young. Research suggests that those who participated in volunteering before they reached the age of 10 were more likely to become lifelong volunteers.
  • They’ll be more employable, or become more socially adept. You might think it’s too early to think of your child’s career prospects if they’re not even in college but think again. Even among younger kids, individuals who volunteer are seen as more trustworthy, reliable, and capable. This makes it easier for your child to network or build relationships.
  • Volunteering cultivates skills that they may rarely be able to use in the classroom. There are many foundations in Singapore offering many types of volunteer opportunities. From team-based projects to talent sharing, volunteering is an out-of-the-box way to learn.

Singapore International Foundation is dedicated to providing points of contact and interaction between Singaporeans and the international community-- uplifting people through youth entrepreneurship programs and other projects that better society as a whole. Contact us to know more.